Animals Are Total Jerks!

Animals can be cute but also totally rude, awkward, and unpleasant. And they

11. Animals are jerks...

Animals are jerks...

But so are people! We're just waiting for a movie called "Mean Animals" to come out....

12. Animals are Jerks

Animals are Jerks

We may love our pets and visits to the zoo, but check out this gallery to see why some of your favorite creatures aren't always as great as you thought they were.

13. Yum, a face!

Yum, a face!

Tgis little girl is now traumatized thanks to a large animal tongue.

14. Penguin Rivalry

Penguin Rivalry

Some penguins just like their space.

15. Animals are Jerks

Animals are Jerks

We may love our pets and visits to the zoo, but check out this gallery to see why some of your favorite creatures aren't always as great as you thought they were.

16. Yum, a face!

Yum, a face!

Tgis little girl is now traumatized thanks to a large animal tongue.

17. Penguin Rivalry

Penguin Rivalry

Some penguins just like their space.

18. Animals are Jerks

Animals are Jerks

We may love our pets and visits to the zoo, but check out this gallery to see why some of your favorite creatures aren't always as great as you thought they were.

19. Yum, a face!

Yum, a face!

Tgis little girl is now traumatized thanks to a large animal tongue.

20. Penguin Rivalry

Penguin Rivalry

Some penguins just like their space.