Sleeping Couples Positions Show How Hot You Are

Look familiar?

17. Heat Wave

Heat Wave

The heat wave, for 9/12 months out of the year this may be the way you feel it. It may be time to move things into the shower.

18. The Cold War

The Cold War

We don't need no sheets. No you take them, No YOU TAKE THEM. The pillows in between make it almost impossible to hit on your bedtime partner. But on the other hand those pillows make it almost impossible to hit your partner during your rage dreams.

19. The Pervert

The Pervert

She's the pervert in this position, but he's got the short end of the stick (or no stick at all). Shhh....let it happen.

20. Heat Wave

Heat Wave

The heat wave, for 9/12 months out of the year this may be the way you feel it. It may be time to move things into the shower.

21. The Cold War

The Cold War

We don't need no sheets. No you take them, No YOU TAKE THEM. The pillows in between make it almost impossible to hit on your bedtime partner. But on the other hand those pillows make it almost impossible to hit your partner during your rage dreams.

22. The Pervert

The Pervert

She's the pervert in this position, but he's got the short end of the stick (or no stick at all). Shhh....let it happen.

23. Heat Wave

Heat Wave

The heat wave, for 9/12 months out of the year this may be the way you feel it. It may be time to move things into the shower.