Can You Prevent Glaucoma? The Role of Regular Eye Exams
Vue Optix
- Glaucoma is the most common reason for blindness all over the world, and it affects millions upon millions of people, often with no symptoms until there is a whole lot of vision lost. Damage occurs in the optic nerve, usually caused by increased intraocular pressure (IOP), which can gradually cause vision impairment. Glaucoma cannot always be prevented; however, early glaucoma testing in Calgary is one of the take-home messages on managing the disease and preventing tractable damage to your esteemed vision. Here is why you should deem it worthwhile and how regular eye exams become a focal point in avoiding potential health risks to healthy vision.
- Glaucoma is the most common reason for blindness all over the world, and it affects millions upon millions of people, often with no symptoms until there is a whole lot of vision lost. Damage occurs in the optic nerve, usually caused by increased intraocular pressure (IOP), which can gradually cause vision impairment. Glaucoma cannot always be prevented; however, early glaucoma testing in Calgary is one of the take-home messages on managing the disease and preventing tractable damage to your esteemed vision. Here is why you should deem it worthwhile and how regular eye exams become a focal point in avoiding potential health risks to healthy vision.
What is Glaucoma?
One needs to be well informed of the fact that glaucoma involves a general category of eye diseases that kills optic nerves, the vital conduit between the eyes and the brain. The different forms of glaucoma exist, with the most common types being:
Open-Angle Glaucoma: It's the most common type of glaucoma. In this case, the drainage angle of the eye gets blocked, inhibiting fluid drainage and increasing ocular pressure. Damage occurs slowly, often not becoming symptomatic until noticeable vision loss has occurred.
Angle-Closure Glaucoma: This type occurs when the iris is too close to the drainage angle, preventing fluid drainage through the eye. It can have sudden, severe symptoms, like pain in the eye, nausea, and vomiting; immediate medical treatment is necessary.
Both causes will result in damage to the optic nerve, and neither can be reversed, which is why it's important to catch them early.
Can Glaucoma Be Prevented?
Even though there is currently no definite way of preventing the occurrence of glaucoma, one can take certain steps which do not fully guarantee its prevention but will actually mitigate its progression and even protect eyesight in the future:
Early Detection: The earlier glaucoma is detected, the better the chances of managing it. The best way to detect glaucoma before it causes damage to the optic nerve is through regular eye examinations.
Managing Eye Pressure: High intraocular pressure (IOP) is one of the main risk factors for glaucoma. Not everyone with high IOP will develop the disease, but treatment to maintain healthy eye pressure may prevent the disease from developing.
Medication and Surgery: In the case of diagnosis of glaucoma, therapeutic modalities are directing the reduction of IOP and staving off the progression of the disease: prescription drops for the eyes, oral medications, laser treatment, and surgery in some cases.
Role of Regular Eye Exams
Those at high risk or everyone beyond the age of 40 must get regular eye exams meant for early diagnosis of glaucoma. It can happen before the symptoms appear. Here are things one expects from a reasonably regular eye achievement aimed at detecting glaucoma.
Tonometry: This is the test that measures pressure inside your eye. High IOP can mean glaucoma; however, high pressure does not always lead to glaucoma. A person can also have normal pressure and have the condition.
Optic Nerve Examination: Your eye doctor may search for damage or abnormality to your optic nerve, indicating the possibility of glaucoma. It may involve visual field testing to account for the area of your peripheral vision.
Gonioscopy: The examination allows your doctor to see your eye's angle. This helps to ascertain whether or not there is impaired drainage of fluid in your eye. It also determines the kind of glaucoma you're likely to have.
Pachymetry: This test measures how thick your cornea is. The thinner the cornea, the higher the risk of developing glaucoma.
Importance of Regular Eye Examinations
Vision can fail to a degree or be impaired due to glaucoma, although one can control the disease. More frequent eye check-ups provide a means by which your doctor can continue monitoring changes in your eye health, altering management. Whether you're looking for designer frames, budget-friendly options, or specialized lenses, Calgary eyeglass stores provide a range of choices to meet your needs. Glaucoma usually produces no striking symptoms in the very early stages of the disease, so many people do not even realize they suffer from this disease until it is too late. Fortunately, eye exams are usually the best protection against irreversible vision loss. So, while we cannot wholly prevent glaucoma, regular eye exams are the key to managing the condition and preserving vision. If you are at risk or simply due for an eye check-up, do not delay-your eyes are worth the investment in your health!
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