Instant Justice
These people got exactly what they deserved, but you still can't help but fe
21. Hat Grabber
This guy thought he'd be slick, but he got just what he deserved.
22. In a Hurry, Are We?
He thought he'd get there faster, but sorting out that mistake must have taken quite a while.
23. Tray Tricks
First you feel bad for the guy who fell, but he probably had a few words (and fists) with this guy after.
24. Hat Grabber
This guy thought he'd be slick, but he got just what he deserved.
25. In a Hurry, Are We?
He thought he'd get there faster, but sorting out that mistake must have taken quite a while.
26. Tray Tricks
First you feel bad for the guy who fell, but he probably had a few words (and fists) with this guy after.
27. Hat Grabber
This guy thought he'd be slick, but he got just what he deserved.
28. In a Hurry, Are We?
He thought he'd get there faster, but sorting out that mistake must have taken quite a while.
29. Tray Tricks
First you feel bad for the guy who fell, but he probably had a few words (and fists) with this guy after.
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