The Funniest Tweets of This Week (Feb 22nd)
See how far you can get without laughin
1. Worst. Cheetos. Ever.
Let me see that bag . . .
2. Growing Up With the Internet
Kids today have it too easy, remember when we had no one to talk to besides our parents?
3. Seems Legit
If the plane crashes, just go into BEAST MODE and rip the door off with your gargantuan strength!
4. Smart Husband
Something about hitting your wife with a rolled-up newspaper just doesn't seem right.
5. Why There Are No Spider Shows
This is literally something out of my nightmares.
6. Pretty Much
All every aluminum balloon aspires to do is kill a bird.
7. Kinda True
Pokemon is actually really f*cked up . . .
8. Guilty Pleasure
I kinda like cole's slaw . . . it's so American!
9. Astronaut Jokes
Just a little topical humor for you this week.
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