Really Cool Facts About Dreams

Your guide to everything you ever want

21. Warning Dreams

Warning Dreams

Dreams are symbolic in nature. Strange dreams can give you clues as to what's going on in your waking life. Dreaming of something, such as dirty water, can possibly signify a dormant health issue.

22. Dreams Prevent Psychosis

Dreams Prevent Psychosis

Dreams help keep you mentally on track. Studies show that participants who were woken up at the start of each dream showed signs of psychosis after just three days. Good to know.

23. REM Sleep Disorder

REM Sleep Disorder

Yes, you heard that right. There is actually a disorder that can happen while you sleep, other than Sleep Apnea. It's called REM Sleep Behavioral Disorder. People act out their dreams in the form of kicks, screams and thrashing. This disorder sometimes predicts brain disorders, such as Parkinson's Disease.

24. Warning Dreams

Warning Dreams

Dreams are symbolic in nature. Strange dreams can give you clues as to what's going on in your waking life. Dreaming of something, such as dirty water, can possibly signify a dormant health issue.

25. Dreams Prevent Psychosis

Dreams Prevent Psychosis

Dreams help keep you mentally on track. Studies show that participants who were woken up at the start of each dream showed signs of psychosis after just three days. Good to know.

26. REM Sleep Disorder

REM Sleep Disorder

Yes, you heard that right. There is actually a disorder that can happen while you sleep, other than Sleep Apnea. It's called REM Sleep Behavioral Disorder. People act out their dreams in the form of kicks, screams and thrashing. This disorder sometimes predicts brain disorders, such as Parkinson's Disease.

27. Warning Dreams

Warning Dreams

Dreams are symbolic in nature. Strange dreams can give you clues as to what's going on in your waking life. Dreaming of something, such as dirty water, can possibly signify a dormant health issue.

28. Dreams Prevent Psychosis

Dreams Prevent Psychosis

Dreams help keep you mentally on track. Studies show that participants who were woken up at the start of each dream showed signs of psychosis after just three days. Good to know.

29. REM Sleep Disorder

REM Sleep Disorder

Yes, you heard that right. There is actually a disorder that can happen while you sleep, other than Sleep Apnea. It's called REM Sleep Behavioral Disorder. People act out their dreams in the form of kicks, screams and thrashing. This disorder sometimes predicts brain disorders, such as Parkinson's Disease.

30. Warning Dreams

Warning Dreams

Dreams are symbolic in nature. Strange dreams can give you clues as to what's going on in your waking life. Dreaming of something, such as dirty water, can possibly signify a dormant health issue.