Ever Wondered Why The Default Drive In Computer Is Always C?

Why is C so
Via: Likes.com

13. Question Of The Year

Question Of The Year

Seriously, why is the drive you store things on your computer always labled C?

14. Sucky Storage

Sucky Storage

Well back when computers were first created, their storage sucked. There used to be only a few kilobytes, but now there are 500 gigabytes or 1 terabyte!

15. The Floppy

The Floppy

Enter the almighty floppy disk, to help save data externally.

16. Question Of The Year

Question Of The Year

Seriously, why is the drive you store things on your computer always labled C?

17. Sucky Storage

Sucky Storage

Well back when computers were first created, their storage sucked. There used to be only a few kilobytes, but now there are 500 gigabytes or 1 terabyte!

18. The Floppy

The Floppy

Enter the almighty floppy disk, to help save data externally.